Friday, March 9, 2012

Because the identities of Seal Team 6 are secrete, can they not be awarded the congressional medal of honor?

Because the identities of Seal Team 6 are secrete, can they not be awarded the congressional medal of honor?Because the identities of Seal Team 6 are secrete, can they not be awarded the congressional medal of honor?
Yes, Navy SEALS have been awarded the medal in the past:
1) It is SEAL, not Seal. They are not fuzzy marine animals that like to play with beach balls.

2) It is just the Medal of Honor. Capitalized and Congressional is NOT a part of the title.

3) They can still be awarded it, IF they earned it. They will just get it in a private ceremony. Last year the most highly decorated Soldier of all time died. He was Special Forces in Vietnam. He earned the MoH as well as many many other medals for valor. No one knew of his achievements or his awards until after his death. It will be the same with any classified force.Because the identities of Seal Team 6 are secrete, can they not be awarded the congressional medal of honor?
Interesting, but it doesn't matter as they're usually awarded posthumously.

Also, it's "SEAL."
Some of the members of seal team six died and most of them have already probably received numerous awards.Because the identities of Seal Team 6 are secrete, can they not be awarded the congressional medal of honor?
If its public they usually just say they were with a different SEAL team or just that they were a SEAL.
LOL just because WE the people dont know , doesn't mean they will not be recognized. In fact im POSITIVE they will get what they deserve.

Trust me
They can... if they earned it.

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